Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What we do ...

Our watchdog group members are active in various online social & image sites and when we come across an image of a LEGO MOC (My Own Creation) which we believe has been swiped and used without permission or credit, we call attention to it. We take screencaps of the situation -- to document where & who swiped the image, then we go about finding the True Owner!

Once the Owner can be positively identified, we notify them of the place of copyright infringement , as well as assist in the proper channels to get their creation removed from the swipers web page.

In the past 2 years we have helped over 1,000 swiped images be recovered to their true ownership!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Watchdog Group for LEGO creation image theft!

We still have all the screenshot images of the swiped MOCs, so we can re-add them here.

Flickr group:

MOCpages group:

Additional sites: (coming soon)